Living with a busy brain
can be challenging. There is always something going on. Thoughts racing, ideas overflowing, overwhelm can easily occur.
There are different methods to control the stress and anxious feelings that too many projects at once can produce. One method I have come to be very fond of is Mindfulness.
I used to secretly laugh at the word, thinking it was more of a hype. Well, turns out I was wrong because I didn't understand it. Mindfulness is simply being completely aware in the present moment. In this state, intrusive thoughts, stress and negative self talk cannot bother you.
Walking in my mossy forest give me a state of mindfulness, so does gaming or colouring or creative projects. Learning to pause the brain and be present and aware in the moment is healthy for you and the people around you.
Learning about how our hormones impact ADHD symptoms has been so important to improve my quality of life. Diving into scientific research and finding manageable tools to improve has been truly life changing.
I have struggled with increased ADHD symptoms in some phases of the cycle for years, without even being aware that was it.
I have also had problems with PMS and hormonal migraines for years.
After diving into this and finding the easy explanation and ways to manage, I gathered all the information in a document. Later I decided to make it available for others too, so maybe I can help someone!
I was aware, of course, that eating healthy impacts our health, but I wasn't aware of how much it actually impacts our hormones.